Join this week’s Election Special on Castaway as the team discuss the implications of a Biden Presidency, a Vaccine, and more on our commodity markets.     Website   Spotify   And Itunes     Disclaimer: This podcast is a marketing communication and is not based upon detailed analysis by Freight Investor (FIS) …

Tanker News Update 11/11/2020

A slow start to Monday (09/11) morning was pleasantly interrupted in the early afternoon with Pfizer’s announcement of a 90% efficacy Covid-19 vaccine. This small light at the end of the tunnel sent markets roaring with Oil prices making the first significant up move in a hot minute… This announcement brought some much-needed optimism, that …

DCE gains slightly over slower steel output

Iron ore futures booked slight gains after the recent bullish run due to better steel prices and margins. The most-traded iron ore for January 2021 delivery on China’s Dalian Commodity Exchange rose by 0.96 % or RMB 8 day-on-day to RMB 838 /mt on Wednesday. The steel rebar contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange however, …

Capesize rates take a breather from recent gains

Capesize freight rates suffered a dip as the bullish momentum flatten out with fewer fixtures being done at higher rates. The Capesize 5 time charter average dipped by RMB 67 day-on-day to $14,781 on Tuesday, as the market lost steam with concerns on the muted Atlantic basin. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) then moved down …