ENGINE: East of Suez Bunker Fuel Market Update 30/07/21

East of Suez bunker prices are rising for another day as Brent is on track for a weekly gain.   Changes on the day to 16.00 SGT (08.00 GMT) today:   VLSFO prices up in Singapore ($6/mt), Fujairah ($5/mt) and Zhoushan ($2/mt)   LSMGO prices up in Singapore ($3/mt), Zhoushan and Fujairah ($2/mt)   HSFO380 …

ENGINE: Europe & Africa Bunker Fuel Market Update 30/07/21

European and African bunker prices have made fresh gains at the end of the week, and rough weather has delayed bunkering in Gibraltar and Algoa Bay.   Changes on the day to 08.00 GMT today:   VLSFO prices up in Rotterdam ($6/mt), Gibraltar ($3/mt) and Durban ($1/mt)   LSMGO prices up in Gibraltar and Durban …

Ferrous trade weekly review 30/7/21

A total of 590,000 mt of iron ores was traded for the week ended Jul 30, up 15.69% week-on-week, as the Chinese steel demand was constrained by output cuts. The steel production had slowed down with extending output cuts over various Chinese provinces, while rainy weather affected steel demand and logistics. During the week, the …

Daily DCE Review 30/7/21

Iron ore futures continued to plunge down after a selloff at the end of day session on Friday, amid lower steel consumption. The futures of Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) for September delivery then nosedived by 8.14% day-on-day or down RMB 91 to RMB 1,027/mt during the day trading session on Friday. The rebar futures, however …

Daily Capesize Review 29/7/21

Capesize freight rates rebounded due to more market activities with fresh shipping demand on key trading routes. The Capesize 5 time charter average, then rose by $1,783 day-on-day to $33,639 on Thursday, supported by better physical market. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) also went up by 1.90% day-on-day, or 60 points to 3,214 readings, due …

Daily Virtual Steel Mill Report 30/7/21

SGX Iron Ore 62% Futures& Options Open Interest (Jul 29th) ·         Futures 91,720,000 tonnes(Increase 3,532,700 tonnes) ·         Options 86,299,400 tonnes(Increase 700,000 tonnes) Steel Key Indicators ·         The Tariff Commission of the State Council announced that the export of ferrochromium and high-purity pig iron will be appropriately increased from August 1st, 2021, and the export tax …

FIS Fuel Oil Morning Report 30/07/21

Brent oil futures fell 0.79% to $74.51 by 1:18 AM ET (5:18 AM GMT) after climbing 1.75% on Thursday. WTI futures were down 0.736 to $73.06, whittling down a 1.7% rise.   Both Brent and WTI futures were set for gains of around 2% for the week, over signs of tight crude supplies and strong …