Iron Ore DCE May Daily Technical Review 11/3/22

Verdict – Short-term neutral. DCE iron ore May22 contract maintained wide range movement during the day and closed slight high compared to yesterday. Hourly MACD narrowed in bearish area. Hourly candles entered a triangle area. Technical signals are indicating a neutral sentiment in short-run. The first support is 800.0, the first resistance is 838.0

Daily Capesize Review 10/3/22

Capesize freight rates continued to climb from strength to strength with robust market support of moving Australian coals into Europe. The Capesize 5 time charter average, then jumped by $2,740 day-on-day to $13,598 on Thursday, despite support from the high bunker prices. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) also increased by $146 day-on-day, or up 5.71% …