Iron Ore DCE May Daily Technical Review 4/3/22

Verdict – Short-term in roof area, correction risk increased. DCE iron ore May22 rebounded slightly and majorly correct most of gains back during the Asian day session. DCE iron ore created the consecutive long upper shadow, with massive decrease on open interests, indicating a temporary taking gains in roof area. Hourly MACD created dead cross. …

Daily Capesize Review 3/3/22

Capesize freight rates slumped after recent rally, as some ships wanted to get covered before the weekend amid market volatility. The Capesize 5 time charter average, then dropped by $1,662 day-on-day to $13,598 on Thursday, despite support from the high bunker prices. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) also decreased by $33 day-on-day, or down 1.54% …