Daily Virtual Steel Mill Report 19/10/22

Market Verdict on Iron Ore: • Neutral.   Macro: • The new British Chancellor of the exchequer overturned Prime Minister Truss’s huge energy subsidy plan. Supported by the news, the British pound rose 1.54%, and the FTSE index was nearly 1% by closing. • U.S. Industrial production growth rate increased 0.4% in September compared with …

BHP Maintains 2022-23 Iron Ore Production Guidance 19/10/22

Australian resources firm BHP has kept its iron ore production guidance for the 2022-23 fiscal year to 30 June unchanged with sustained output.     It produced 72.1mn t of iron ore during July-September, up by 2.2pc on a year earlier, reflecting a firm supply chain performance and reduced Covid-19 related impact, which was partially …