Morning Oil Report 14/10/20

Brent crude futures for December fell by 12 cents, or 0.3%, to $42.33 a barrel by 0455BST while U.S. WTI futures were down 11 cents, or 0.3%, to $40.09. Early morning interest this morning sees selling on high sulfur and buying on low sulfur, with the European and Singapore FoGos strengthening yesterday but some cooling off on the fuels and gasoil early today.


The increases in coronavirus cases are looking bleak for total fuel demand and as such, oil dropped yesterday morning as it is thought that economic growth could be affected into the winter as cases are yet to be under control. OPEC released its monthly oil outlook and the key points from this month’s edition was that the forecast for next year’s oil demand was revised down by 80,000 barrels per day as a result of the effect of COVID-19. (Reuters)


Crude oil production in the Gulf of Mexico was slowly increasing over the course of the week, with 69% shut on Monday, but this figure fell to only 44% on Tuesday as platforms begin to be restaffed as Hurricane Delta moved away from the region. (Reuters)


US shale production is expected to fall by 123,000 bpd in November in the biggest drop in production since May to roughly 7.69 million barley per day according to the EIA’s monthly forecast. Output is expected to drop for the third straight month. (Reuters)


The UAE energy minister quashed speculations over changes to the OPEC+ Cuts and reaffirmed that the agreement was signed to stick to production cuts, as rumours were circulation about the potential push back of output cuts. OPEC stated that China is the only country on course to a stable recovery from the virus, with oil demand slowly rising, but oil demand elsewhere remains bleak as lockdowns are still in force. (S&P Global Platts)



INDEX: (MTD Estimates)

* Sing 380: 242.48

* Rott 3.5%: 226.61

* Sing 0.5%: 320.29

* Rott 0.5%: 297.94



* Mega-Refiner’s Oil Buying a Bright Spot for Constrained Market
* OPEC Sees Market for Its Crude Shrink Again as Rivals Recover

* Early morning buying activities on the VLSFO with selling on the HSFO
* EIA Sees U.S. Shale-Oil Falling 121K B/D to 7.69M B/D in Nov.
* Lower Midwest Gasoline Dips to 7-Week Low on Excess Blendstock
* U.S. Gulf Shuts 43.6% Oil Output After Hurricane Delta: BSEE
* Chevron CEO Sees ‘Shallow’ Shale Growth Curve After Price Crash
* Benchmark VLCC Rates Gain Again; U.S.-Europe Clean Tankers Dip

* ConocoPhillips Said to Be in Talks to Buy Concho Resources
* MeiDu Energy’s Texas Oil Gamble Goes Bankrupt After Seven Years
* Shale Patch Is Slightly Less Gloomy on Bank Lending in Survey

* U.S.: NYC Gasoline Gains on Houston, Midwest Dips
* EUROPE: Total Buys Jet Cargo; Galp Refinery Halt
* ASIA: Floating Storage Drops; China Imports Climb

ECONOMIC EVENTS: (Times are London.)
* 9am: IEA releases monthly Oil Market Report
* 9:30pm: API weekly oil inventory report
* Day 2 of Energy Intelligence Forum; speakers include CEOs of Adnoc, Total and Shell


Singapore 380 INDIC                                     

Nov20   249.25   /             251.25

Dec20    249.00   /              251.00

Jan21     249.25   /             251.25

Feb21    249.75   /             251.75

Mar21   250.25   /             252.25

Apr21    251.00   /             253.00

Q1-21    249.75   /             251.75

Q2-21    251.75   /             253.75

Q3-21    254.25   /             256.25

Q4-21    256.25   /             259.25

CAL21    253.25   /             256.25


Rotterdam 3.5% INDIC                                 

Nov20   234.50   /             236.50

Dec20    234.00   /             236.00

Jan21     234.00   /             236.00

Feb21    234.50   /             236.50

Mar21   235.00   /             237.00

Apr21    235.75   /             237.75

Q1-21    234.50   /             236.50

Q2-21    236.50   /             238.50

Q3-21    238.25   /             240.25

Q4-21    238.25   /             241.25

CAL21    237.50   /             240.50


Singapore VLSFO 0.5% INDIC                                     

Nov20   319.75   /              324.75

Dec20    318.00   /              323.00

Jan21     316.75   /              321.75

Feb21    316.50   /              321.50

Mar21   316.50   /              321.50

Apr21    317.00   /              322.00

Q1-21    316.75   /              321.75

Q2-21    318.00   /              323.00

Q3-21    321.00   /              327.00

Q4-21    324.50   /              330.50

CAL21    319.75   /              325.75


Rott VLSFO 0.5% INDIC                                 

Nov20   299.50   /              304.50

Dec20    298.50   /              303.50

Jan21     298.00   /              303.00

Feb21    298.50   /              303.50

Mar21   299.25   /              304.25

Apr21    300.50   /              305.50

Q1-21    298.75   /              303.75

Q2-21    301.75   /              306.75

Q3-21    305.50   /              311.50

Q4-21    309.50   /              315.50

CAL21    303.75   /              309.75


Sing 10ppm GO INDIC                                   

Nov20   45.34     /              45.48

Dec20    45.76     /              45.96

Jan21     46.20     /              46.40

Feb21    46.63     /              46.83

Mar21   47.06     /              47.26

Apr21    47.54     /              47.74

Q1-21    46.65     /              46.85

Q2-21    47.97     /              48.17

Q3-21    49.24     /              49.44

Q4-21    50.04     /              50.24

CAL21    48.37     /              48.77


ICE Gasoil 10ppm INDIC                               

Nov20   339.56   /              341.56

Dec20    344.11   /              346.11

Jan21     348.49   /              350.49

Feb21    353.02   /              355.02

Mar21   356.78   /              358.78

Apr21    359.78   /              361.78

Q1-21    352.75   /              354.75

Q2-21    362.24   /              364.24

Q3-21    372.99   /              374.99

Q4-21    380.66   /              382.66

CAL21    367.16   /              369.16


(Rott Hi5) Sing Hi5

Nov20 (65.47) 72.22

Dec20 (65.22) 70.72

Jan21 (64.97) 69.22

Feb21 (64.97) 68.47

Mar21 (65.47) 67.97

Apr21 (65.97) 67.72

Q1-21 (65.15) 68.55

Q2-21 (66.72) 67.97

Q3-21 (69.55) 69.13

Q4-21 (72.72) 70.22

CAL21 (68.00) 68.50

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