FIS Fuel Oil Morning Report 19/04/21

Brent crude was down 23 cents, or 0.3%, at $66.54 a barrel by 0426 GMT, after rising 6% last week. U.S. oil was down 27 cents, or 0.2%, at $62.96 a barrel, having gained 6.4% last week.


Oil prices saw a fair push over the course of last week as a result of the positive progress made surrounding lockdowns and controlling the spread of the virus. Alongside vaccines, the agencies say their newfound optimism stems from the more upbeat outlook from the International Monetary Fund, which has raised its global economic growth forecast for the second time in three months. While U.S. President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package is a contributing factor, the IMF’s bullishness also hangs, to a large extent, on the widespread rollout of effective coronavirus vaccines. Also, the bullish tone for oil depends on the threat of new variants of the COVID-19 strains, and the ability to adapt the vaccines already approved to the news forms of the virus. (Bloomberg)


The oil and gas rig count, an early indicator of future output, rose seven to 439 in the week to April 16, its highest since April 2020, energy services firm Baker Hughes Co said in its closely followed report on Friday. That puts the rig count up 80% since falling to a record low of 244 in August 2020, according to Baker Hughes data going back to 1940. The total count, however, is still 90 rigs, or 17%, below this time last year. U.S. oil rigs rose seven to 344 this week, while gas rigs rose one to 94, both their highest since April 2020. (Reuters)


There is an increasing worry in India, who have already left a lockdown over the past few month, with increasing cases making the country the second worst affected by the disease only to the US. There was a rise of cases reported on Monday of 273,810 cases which was a record rise recorded for infections. Hong Kong will suspend flights from India, Pakistan and the Philippines from April 20 due to imported coronavirus infections, authorities said in a statement late on Sunday. (Reuters)




* Signs of Thaw on Iran Nuclear Deal Emerge in Vienna Talks

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* Saudi Crown Prince’s Latest Economic Plan Comes With Big Risks

* Russia Weighs Temporary Ban on Some Fuel Exports to Curb Prices



Singapore 380 INDIC                         

May21 379.50 /          381.50

Jun21   378.50 /           380.50

Jul21    375.75 /          377.75

Aug21  372.00 /          374.00

Sep21  368.00 /          370.00

Oct21  363.75 /          365.75

Q3-21  372.00 /          374.00

Q4-21  360.25 /          362.25

Q1-22  352.75 /          354.75

Q2-22  346.75 /          349.75

CAL22  471.25 /          474.25


Rotterdam 3.5% INDIC                                  

May21 368.25 /          370.25

Jun21   366.50 /          368.50

Jul21    362.75 /          364.75

Aug21  357.75 /          359.75

Sep21  352.25 /          354.25

Oct21  346.25 /          348.25

Q3-21  357.75 /          359.75

Q4-21  341.50 /          343.50

Q1-22  333.50 /          335.50

Q2-22  327.75 /          330.75

CAL22  451.25 /          454.25


Singapore VLSFO 0.5% INDIC                       

May21 489.75 /           494.75

Jun21   488.25 /           493.25

Jul21    487.25 /           492.25

Aug21  486.25 /           491.25

Sep21  485.25 /           490.25

Oct21  484.25 /           489.25

Q3-21  486.25 /           491.25

Q4-21  483.25 /           488.25

Q1-22  479.75 /           485.75

Q2-22  476.50 /           482.50

CAL22  474.50 /           480.50


Rott VLSFO 0.5% INDIC                                 

May21 468.00 /           473.00

Jun21   467.00 /           472.00

Jul21    466.00 /           471.00

Aug21  465.00 /           470.00

Sep21  463.75 /           468.75

Oct21  462.50 /           467.50

Q3-21  465.00 /           470.00

Q4-21  461.00 /           466.00

Q1-22  456.00 /           462.00

Q2-22  452.00 /           458.00

CAL22  450.25 /           456.25


Sing 10ppm GO INDIC                       

May21 70.69   /           70.83

Jun21   70.80   /           71.00

Jul21    70.90   /           71.10

Aug21  71.00   /           71.20

Sep21  71.06   /           71.26

Oct21  71.04   /           71.24

Q3-21  71.00   /           71.20

Q4-21  70.86   /           71.06

Q1-22  70.59   /           70.79

Q2-22  70.32   /           70.52

CAL22  70.03   /           70.43


Ice Gasoil Swap                                 

May21 531.16 /           533.16

Jun21   533.21 /           535.21

Jul21    534.81 /           536.81

Aug21  536.19 /           538.19

Sep21  537.42 /           539.42

Oct21  537.28 /           539.28

Q3-21  536.15 /           538.15

Q4-21  536.35 /           538.35

Q1-22  534.89 /           536.89

Q2-22  532.08 /           534.08

CAL22  531.48 /           534.48


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FIS Oil Desk
UK number: +44 (0) 207 090 1134
Shanghai number: +86 (0)21 63012568
Singapore: +65 87984987

Luke Longhurst


Mobile: (+44) 7966 968761


Ricky Forman


Mobile: (+44) 7868 708719


Sam Twyford


Mobile: (+44) 7729 118643


Jessie Deng


Mobile: (+86)1352 4516743


Jarryd Smith
Mobile: (+65) 87984987

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