At 11:28 am Singapore time (0328 GMT), the ICE August Brent futures contract was up 47 cents/b (0.64%) from the previous settle at $73.98/b, while the NYMEX WTI July light sweet crude contract was up 55 cents/b (0.77%) at $72.19/b.


News over the weekend saw Iraq state news agency report that oil would reach $80 per barrel but did not however present a timeframe for the increase from current levels, this would corroborate the forecasts from the bank Goldman Sachs who foresee oil hitting up to $80 and beyond in the second half of the year. (Reuters)


World powers resumed another round of nuclear deal negotiations with Iran on June 20, a day after hardliner judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi won presidential elections that could see the sanctioned OPEC producer seek to increase oil output this year. S&P Global Platts Analytics expects that a JCPOA agreement could lead to sanctions relief by September, which would boost crude and condensate exports to 1.5 million b/d by December, from 600,000 b/d in May. (S&P Global Platts)


Rising oil demand in the United States and flat domestic production in recent months have boosted the price of the U.S. oil benchmark WTI Crude, which has significantly narrowed the discount to Brent Crude in recent weeks. According to GasBuddy data, weekly U.S. gasoline demand for the week to June 13 rose for the fourth consecutive week to a new pandemic high, and was up by 0.8 percent from the prior week. U.S. gasoline and distillates production is also rising, with gasoline production averaging 9.9 million barrels per day (bpd) in the week to June 11, compared with 9.4 million bpd a week earlier, the EIA said in this week’s inventory report. Production of middle distillates averaged 5.1 million bpd last week, compared with 4.9 million bpd a week earlier. (


Demand for 0.5%S fuel in Asia remains lukewarm and the lifting of the 14 day mandatory quarantine is only expected to increase demand marginally in the port city area according to traders. In the high sulphur fuel oil market, the increase in demand for straight-run fuel oil as a refinery feedstock in East Asia has also seen competing demand for the grade as a blending component for cargoes destined for the power generation market in Kuwait and Pakistan, according to market traders based in Fujairah. (S&P Global Platts)



INDEX: (MTD Estimates)

* Sing 380: 398.52

* Rott 3.5%: 385.98

* Sing 0.5%: 517.77

* Rott 0.5%: 498.64



Rotterdam 3.5% INDIC 

Jul21      392.00   /             394.00

Aug21   390.50   /             392.50

Sep21    387.75   /             389.75

Oct21    384.75   /             386.75

Nov21   381.75   /             383.75

Dec21    378.75   /             380.75

Q3-21    390.25   /             392.25

Q4-21    381.75   /             383.75

Q1-22    374.25   /             376.25

Q2-22    367.00   /             370.00

CAL22    362.75   /             365.75


Singapore 380 INDIC                                     

Jul21      405.00   /             407.00

Aug21   404.50   /              406.50

Sep21    403.00   /             405.00

Oct21    400.50   /             402.50

Nov21   398.25   /             400.25

Dec21    396.25   /             398.25

Q3-21    404.00   /             406.00

Q4-21    398.25   /             400.25

Q1-22    392.00   /             394.00

Q2-22    384.75   /             387.75

CAL22    381.25   /             384.25


Rott VLSFO 0.5% INDIC                                 

Jul21      500.25   /              505.25

Aug21   499.50   /              504.50

Sep21    498.75   /              503.75

Oct21    497.75   /              502.75

Nov21   496.50   /              501.50

Dec21    495.00   /              500.00

Q3-21    499.50   /              504.50

Q4-21    496.50   /              501.50

Q1-22    490.75   /              496.75

Q2-22    484.75   /              490.75

CAL22    481.00   /              487.00


Singapore VLSFO 0.5% INDIC                                     

Jul21      518.75   /              523.75

Aug21   518.75   /              523.75

Sep21    518.25   /              523.25

Oct21    517.25   /              522.25

Nov21   516.00   /              521.00

Dec21    514.75   /              519.75

Q3-21    518.50   /              523.50

Q4-21    516.00   /              521.00

Q1-22    511.25   /              517.25

Q2-22    505.75   /              511.75

CAL22    502.25   /              508.25


Sing 10ppm GO INDIC                                   

Jul21      79.12     /              79.26

Aug21   79.04     /              79.24

Sep21    78.90     /              79.10

Oct21    78.72     /              78.92

Nov21   78.44     /              78.64

Dec21    78.14     /              78.34

Q3-21    79.00     /              79.20

Q4-21    78.44     /              78.64

Q1-22    77.71     /              77.91

Q2-22    77.01     /              77.21

CAL22    76.61     /              77.01


Ice Gasoil Swap                                               

Jul21      593.98   /              595.98

Aug21   595.27   /              597.27

Sep21    596.02   /              598.02

Oct21    594.89   /              596.89

Nov21   592.25   /              594.25

Dec21    590.38   /              592.38

Q3-21    595.10   /              597.10

Q4-21    592.50   /              594.50

Q1-22    587.89   /              589.89

Q2-22    581.28   /              583.28

CAL22    580.44   /              583.44




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FIS Oil Desk
UK number: +44 (0) 207 090 1134
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Mobile: (+44) 7966 968761


Ricky Forman


Mobile: (+44) 7868 708719


Sam Twyford


Mobile: (+44) 7729 118643


Jessie Deng


Mobile: (+86)1352 4516743


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Mobile: (+65) 87984987

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