Iron Ore DCE Sep24 Daily Technical Review 28/06/24

Verdict- Neutral. Iron ore rebounded and returned to the closing by two days ago. Iron ore maintained neutral sentiment as expected. Hourly MACD narrowed in bullish territory. Iron ore consolidated in the 791.0 – 830.0 range. It would be hard to see directional movement without breaking through this range box. First support 791.0. First resistance …

Daily Virtual Steel Mill Report 27/06/24

Verdict: • Short-run Neutral.   Macro: • US new house sales down 11.3% in May, refreshed six-month low because of the high mortgage rate. The new house supplies refreshed 16-year-high. • From January to May, China industrial enterprises above designated size value added amount reached 2.75 trillion yuan, up 3.4% on the year.   Iron …

Daily Virtual Steel Mill Report 26/06/24

Verdict: • Short-run Neutral.   Macro: • US Federal governor Miki Bowman said the earliest interest cut would be in 2025 concerning the high inflation rate. However, the other governor Lisa Cook indicated the inflation went down in March and June, the interest cut in 2024 would be propriate.   Iron Ore Key Indicators: • …

Daily Virtual Steel Mill Report 25/06/24

Verdict: • Short-run Neutral.   Macro: • EU Comission will launch a technical conference with China regarding to the current plan on imposing EVs import duty.   Iron Ore Key Indicators: • Platts62 $102.65, -2.45, MTD $106.72. Steel demand became slower as China entered rainy weather in southern areas and extreme high temperature in northern …

Iron Ore DCE Sep24 Daily Technical Review 24/06/24

Verdict- Neutral. DCE Sep24 broke down important support at 797.0 with significant increased positions, indicating the new sellers were aggressive. Hourly MACD widened in bearish territory. Hourly CCI rebounded and approached boundary of bear and neutral area. If iron ore recovered 797.0 – 800.0, the price trend potentially return to consolidation. First support 750.0. First …