FIS Fuel Oil Morning Report 12/11/2020

Brent crude futures rose 18 cents, or 0.37%, to $43.97 a barrel at 0726GMT after the bullish sentiment that has been floating around most markets over the past week due to the news of a vaccine that has been tested to be 90% effective.   News from the Algerian Energy minister says that OPEC+ current …

Capesize rates slip into red from selloff

Capesize freight rates plunged after a selloff as market sentiment turned bearish with few fixtures done at lower rates. Thus, the Capesize 5 time charter average fell by RMB 1,402 day-on-day to $13,379 on Wednesday, as the 5TC index lost around 10% at one point before much stabilization later. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) then …

European Close

Upside price action is slowing down on the offshore futures in iron ore. The daily candlesticks are decreasing in size warning that momentum is slowing based on price . However, the trend remains bullish with the evening session trading up to USD 121.15. Steel production remains strong whilst exports are down 6 million tonnes on …