Capesize rates dip despite improvement in the Pacific

Capesize freight rates continued to fall on softening physical market, despite some improvement in the Pacific market. The Capesize 5 time charter average dipped slightly by RMB 299 day-on-day to $11,730 on Wednesday, due to selling pressure on the weak Atlantic market. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) was almost flattish and booked a slight gain …

European Close 18/11/20

Iron ore futures continue to trade at new highs signaling the market trend remains bullish. Demand remains resilient whilst we are seeing a decline in steel inventories by 178,400 tons (MySteel), this is following the strong industrial and property data from yesterday.   The fundamental continues to support the market with futures trading up to …

Tanker News Update 18/11/20

*TD3C Choices*   During the start of September we saw TD3C spot levels break through the floor of ws30 for the first time in 5 years, where it reached a yearly low at ws24.75 on (04/09). Over 2 months on from this date, there has been little change with spot printing on Tuesday (17/11) at …

Capesize rates move in mixed directions

Capesize freight rates dipped slightly on a mixed market with vessels oversupply in the Atlantic, while some improvement were seen in the Pacific basin. Thus, the Capesize 5 time charter average slipped slightly by RMB 253 day-on-day to $12,029 on Tuesday, after a late selling spree in the weak Atlantic fixtures. The Baltic Dry Index …