Capesize rates firm over potential shipping disruption

Capesize freight rates started to strengthen for the week with market concerns over port congestion in China, typhoon threats in the Far East and high iron ore prices. However, the firmer rates may reverse at any instance after the typhoon left with little shipping disruption to the East Asia region. In view of this weakness, …

Capesize rates flat despite tonnage clearing in the Atlantic

Capesize freight rates remained flattish despite the clearing of tonnage in Atlantic and some shipping disruption due to typhoon in the East Asia. Thus, the Capesize 5 time charter average saw slight correction of $381 day-on-day to $18,394 on Friday. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) also followed the dip and went down by 1.06% day-on-day …

Capesize rates fall despite higher rates for Brazil routes

Capesize freight rates took a slight dip despite a bullish physical market run with better rates for the Brazil routes. Thus, the Capesize 5 time charter average went for slight correction and fell by $121 day-on-day to $18,775 on Thursday. Then, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) followed the dip and went down by 0.33% day-on-day …

Gone With the Wind – Ship Shape Commodity Weekly

Dominating the news this week has not been the hopeless story of a Southern girl’s love for a married man, but rather the twin storms in the Gulf of Mexico. The bluster behind this story left oil and tanker markets in a spin with impending disruption and shutdowns.   As of late Thursday, Hurricane Laura …

Capesize rates corrects despite healthy shipping demand

Capesize freight rates dipped slightly despite better shipping demand seen in both basins that kept up the bullish market momentum. Thus, the Capesize 5 time charter average faced some correction and fell by $117 day-on-day to $18,896 on Wednesday. Following the dip, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) dropped by 0.59% day-on-day to 1,509 readings.   …