Fuel Oil Daily Evening Report 10/9/20

Please click below to view the report     For more information please contact           FIS       info@freightinvestor.com London +44 (0) 207 090 1120 Singapore +65 6535 5189 Dubai + 971 4 449 3900 Shanghai: +86 21 6335 4002 US (CT): +1 203 325 8004 US (KS): +1 813 …

Oil Through the Looking Glass 10/9/20

*Brent Oil Benchmark Dips but Stays Over $40/bbl* Oil prices dipped slightly off the back of rising stocks and falling demand as reported by the EIA, yet Brent maintained its $40 per barrel mark. The US stockpiles rose by 3 million barrels according to the American Petroleum institute (API) as the EIA reduced demand outlook …

Capesize rates under pressure from supply glut

Capesize freight rates moved on a downward trend due to an oversupplied market amid thin shipping demand. The Capesize 5 time charter average then slumped by $410 day-on-day to $15,482 on Wednesday, due to thin physical fixtures. Likewise, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) also dropped further by 2.41% or 32 points day-on-day to 1,296 readings. …

Oil and Ore Intraday Morning Technical

Please click below to view the report     For more information please contact           FIS       info@freightinvestor.com London +44 (0) 207 090 1120 Singapore +65 6535 5189 Dubai + 971 4 449 3900 Shanghai: +86 21 6335 4002 US (CT): +1 203 325 8004 US (KS): +1 813 …

Morning Oil Report 10/9/20

Good morning all. Brent futures dropped 17 cents or 0.42% overnight to $40.62 after regaining 2.5% throughout Wednesday. WTI had similar losses of 24 cents or 0.63% at 0417GMT.   The oil market is under pressure from rising supply and suppressed demand with the EIA inventory data due on Thursday, a day later than usual …


Confused by market jargon? Getting your stochastic mixed up with your doji stars? Then don’t fear! This week’s special podcast episode explains all about market technicals and how to use them with FIS technical research analyst Ed Hutton.   Available now on: Website https://freightinvestorservices.com/blog/fis-castaway-eps-24-unprecedented-coverage-in-unprecedented-times/ Spotify  https://open.spotify.com/episode/3tXBm8aTEgEf9vK7kKIsKj?si=v-WRJWu3RIeXFy6o7NDEvg And Itunes https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/fis-castaway/id1507094242#episodeGuid=aacbc42e-90c9-a808-518e-a244416f7bcf   Disclaimer: This podcast is a marketing communication and …

FIS Technical – Brent Oct 20 Daily 9/9/20

Please click below to view the report     For more information please contact           FIS       info@freightinvestor.com London +44 (0) 207 090 1120 Singapore +65 6535 5189 Dubai + 971 4 449 3900 Shanghai: +86 21 6335 4002 US (CT): +1 203 325 8004 US (KS): +1 813 …

Oil Through the Looking Glass 9/9/20

*Oil Slides 5% to Lowest Levels Since June* Oil futures settled 5% lower yesterday with Brent dropping to $39.53 which was the lowest level since June, and WTI at 8% lower after Saudi Arabia announced price cuts to its October selling prices. The Aramco price cuts made WTI unattractive to Asian buyers said analyst Phil …