DCE slips on declining steel prices

Iron ore futures opened low but managed to catchup at the afternoon session before closing at slight dip for the day. Thus, the most-traded iron ore for January 2021 delivery on China’s Dalian Commodity Exchange were almost flattish and booked a small loss of 0.83% or RMB 7 day-on-day to RMB 832.50/mt on Friday. The …

Capesize rates correct again on low shipping activities

Capesize freight rates dipped for slight correction as the physical market continued to soften on scant shipping activities. The Capesize 5 time charter average fell by RMB 525 day-on-day to $12,854 on Thursday, as freight rates came under pressure on bearish market sentiment. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) then dropped by 1.49% or 17 points …

Oil Through the Looking Glass 12.11.2020

*Oil Falls After IEA Cast Doubt on Quick Demand Recovery* The IEA have casted doubt over the recovery of oil demand amid surging infection across Europe and America, with the UK being the first country to reach the miles stone of 50,000 deaths. New York has ordered bars and restaurants to close early as cases …