Tanker Report 15/11/21

Trades Recap:

A quiet start to the week in the Tanker FFA market.

TC2 Dec continued to trade down, with 158 trading on Friday down to 156 today. TC2 Q1 also came off slightly, with 19.80 trading outright and the Q1/Q2 spread trading at .95 (19.80/18.85).

TC5 Dec improved from yesterday before coming down, trading at 137 then 136.

TC6 Dec continued to come under pressure, trading at 197 then 195 from 200 on Friday.

Nothing was trading today on the TC12, TC14 & TC17.


TD3C Dec opened with a clip at 47 then came off a touch to trade 46.5. Q1/Q2 traded -0.25c (8.90/8.65).

TD20 Dec went through at 74 before later finding some volume at 74.75.


BLPG1 Q1 traded at 63.50$/mt then the curve felt firmer with Jan/Feb crossed 67$/mt v 65$/mt.







Jack Shilling


+44 (0)7702 834733

ICE – jashilling


Alistair Pettey


+44 (0)7808 768318

ICE – apettey


Alex Macarthur


+44 (0)7768 327606

ICE – alemacarthur


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