DCE Level


Sep:   2016 up 36


Coking Coal Index


TSI FOB PLV up 3.0 at 112; mtd 109.57

CFR China (PLV) up 8.50 at 256.50


Indicative Curve (FOB)


MAY       115.00        117.00     116.00

JUN        124.00         126.00   125.00

JUL         125.50          127.50   126.50

AUG       127.00         129.00   128.00

Q3-21    127.00          129.00   128.00

Q4-21    134.00           136.00   135.00

Q1-22    144.00           146.00   145.00

Q2-22    145.00           147.00   146.00

CAL-22  144.00           148.00   146.00

CAL-23  146.50           150.50   148.50


MAY       234.00           254.00   244.00

JUN        244.00           264.00   254.00

JUL         229.00           249.00   239.00



May at 115.50 in 7kT

June at 124 in 5kT

May at 116 in 10kT

Q4 at 135 in 2kTmth



The hunt for offers continued today and this had a knock effect on the physical market.  2 physical trades reported both at higher levels.  June low vol traded at 113 and then June branded (mid vol) up at 120.  CFR prices rose above $250, with both US and Canadian coal trading.  The Australian FOB mid vol trade appearing to follow the CFR trade as it did yesterday.  The question is can this trend continue?  The index only rose $3 to 112 so we still need to see low vol offers find new homes to keep up the momentum.  Meanwhile, June paper surged trading at 124 and Q4 traded 135, $5 higher than late last week.


David Powell
Email: DavidP@freightinvestor.com
Mobile: (+44) 7548 716464
Eikon: DavidP@freightinvestor.com

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