News Headlines:
OIL DAYBOOK EUROPE: Oil Market Needs Half-Trillion in Investment (Bloomberg)
Oil explorers need to raise drilling budgets by 54% to more than half a trillion dollars to forestall a significant supply deficit in the next few years, according to Moody’s Investors Service Inc.
* OIL FUTURES: Oil Holds Decline as Energy Crunch Fears Ease
Benchmark Oil Supertanker Earnings Slip for a Second Day (Bloomberg)
Earnings for hauling oil on the benchmark Middle East-to-China route dropped to $2,446/day, according to Baltic Exchange data. * That was a second consecutive daily drop; rates edged higher on a Worldscale basis, to 40.86
* The biggest move for dirty tankers was on the TD20 WAF-to- Europe route, which rose 6.4% to WS 61.02
* The biggest move for ships hauling refined products was the 6.6% decline on the TC9 Baltic-U.K./Cont route to WS 121.43
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FIS Tankers Daily Report 2021-10-07
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