Brent crude futures for January dropped $1.34, or 3.5%, to $36.60 a barrel by 0410 GMT, while U.S. WTI futures fell $1.41, or 3.9%, to $34.38. Brent ICE futures lost just under 10% for the week as the market looks to try to absorb increasing supply gluts.


Without the risk of sounding repetitive, the Coronavirus has taken a hold of most European countries and economies in the fact that most nations are experiencing a second wave of the virus that runs the risk of overwhelming hospitals and closing most non-essential businesses in a bid to try to reduce the rate of infection.


The increasing lockdowns have taken its toll on the oil market with many oil majors and producers already producing plans of job cuts in order to cut costs as the price of benchmarks are still depressed as supply is ramping up in nations such as Libya, and much of the USG production is back online after the closures caused by Hurricane Zeta.


The US Election is just a few hours away and it does in no way look like an easy one to call, with swing states mixed, but Biden sure to win the popular vote on current polling averages. It seems to be the turnout will be the highest in over a century with over 91 million postal votes already cast, meaning it is sure to go down to the wire on the result.


Libyan production has now reached 800,000 barrels per day according to reports from Reuters, over 100,000 barrels per day higher than just a few days ago. The blockage that was imposed for an eight-month period saw production in January slashed from 1.2 million bpd to just 100,000 bpd. Production is due to increase to 1 million bpd by mid-November. (Reuters)


INDEX: (Oct Month Averages)

* Sing 380: 250.62

* Rott 3.5%: 235.83

* Sing 0.5%: 318.48

* Rott 0.5%: 299.33


* India’s Diesel Sales Expand for First Time in Eight Months
* Top Oil Trader Vitol Says Europe Lockdowns Mere ‘Speed Bump’

* Less than 48 Hours until the US Election day
* China Raises Non-State Crude Imports Quota to 243m Tons for 2021
* Oil Contango Deepens to Widest in a Month as Libya Output Surges
* U.S. August Gasoline Demand Down 13% From 2019 at 8.51M B/D: EIA
* Hedge Fund Managers Cut Net Bullish Brent, WTI Oil Bets
* U.S. Oil Rig Count Up 10 to 221, Baker Hughes Says


* Iraq Says Oil Revenue Covering Less Than Half of Govt Spending
* Exxon Warns of $30 Billion Shale Write down Decade After XTO
* Chevron Surprises With Profit Despite Dimming Outlook
* Reliance Beats Estimates Even as Poor Fuel Demand Hurts Profit
* European Leaders Driven to New Lockdowns by Surge in Virus


* EUROPE: Mideast Flows at New High; Jet Hedging Loss
* U.S.: Paulsboro is Latest Casualty of Demand Slump
* ASIA: BP to Shut Australian Refinery; Tight Naphtha


ECONOMIC EVENTS: (Times are London)
* Bloomberg survey on OPEC’s October crude production
* Tanker tracking stories, covering October exports from major OPEC and some non-OPEC countries, will be published from Monday
* FT Commodities Asia Summit in Singapore, day 1, including Vitol CEO Russell Hardy and Trafigura CEO Jeremy Weir, among others
* EARNINGS: Marathon Petroleum Corp.


(Data/News FIS Bloomberg)


Rotterdam 3.5% INDIC                                 

Dec20    209.25   /             211.25

Jan21     207.75   /             209.75

Feb21    208.00   /             210.00

Mar21   208.25   /             210.25

Apr21    208.75   /             210.75

May21  209.25   /             211.25

Q1-21    208.00   /             210.00

Q2-21    209.25   /             211.25

Q3-21    210.50   /             212.50

Q4-21    210.25   /             213.25

CAL21    209.75   /             212.75


Singapore 380 INDIC                                     

Dec20    224.25   /             226.25

Jan21     222.75   /              224.75

Feb21    223.00   /             225.00

Mar21   223.25   /             225.25

Apr21    223.75   /             225.75

May21  224.25   /             226.25

Q1-21    223.00   /             225.00

Q2-21    224.25   /             226.25

Q3-21    226.25   /             228.25

Q4-21    227.75   /             230.75

CAL21    226.00   /             229.00


Rott VLSFO 0.5% INDIC                                 

Dec20    260.25   /              265.25

Jan21     260.00   /              265.00

Feb21    261.25   /              266.25

Mar21   262.50   /              267.50

Apr21    264.00   /              269.00

May21  265.50   /              270.50

Q1-21    261.25   /              266.25

Q2-21    265.50   /              270.50

Q3-21    269.50   /              275.50

Q4-21    273.75   /              279.75

CAL21    267.25   /              273.25


Singapore VLSFO 0.5% INDIC                                     

Dec20    277.25   /              282.25

Jan21     277.00   /              282.00

Feb21    277.50   /              282.50

Mar21   278.50   /              283.50

Apr21    280.00   /              285.00

May21  281.50   /              286.50

Q1-21    277.75   /              282.75

Q2-21    281.50   /              286.50

Q3-21    286.00   /              292.00

Q4-21    290.25   /              296.25

CAL21    283.50   /              289.50


Sing 10ppm GO INDIC                                   

Dec20    39.35     /              39.49

Jan21     39.76     /              39.96

Feb21    40.20     /              40.40

Mar21   40.69     /              40.89

Apr21    41.20     /              41.40

May21  41.70     /              41.90

Q1-21    40.20     /              40.40

Q2-21    41.68     /              41.88

Q3-21    43.10     /              43.30

Q4-21    44.07     /              44.27

CAL21    42.17     /              42.57


ICE Gasoil 10ppm INDIC                               

Dec20    292.72   /              294.72

Jan21     296.86   /              298.86

Feb21    301.32   /              303.32

Mar21   305.82   /              307.82

Apr21    309.88   /              311.88

May21  313.40   /              315.40

Q1-21    301.35   /              303.35

Q2-21    313.57   /              315.57

Q3-21    324.34   /              326.34

Q4-21    338.49   /              340.49

CAL21    319.43   /              321.43


                Rott Hi5/Sing Hi5

Dec20    52           54

Jan21     54           56

Feb21    55           56

Mar21   56           57

Apr21    57           58

May21  58           59

Q1-21    55           56

Q2-21    58           58

Q3-21    61           61

Q4-21    65           64

CAL21    59           59

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