Morning Oil Report 23/11/20

Brent crude futures rose 21 cents, or 0.5%, to $45.17 a barrel by 0436 GMT and continued to rise in the early morning, reaching $45.73 by 0741GMT while U.S. WTI crude gained 10 cents, or 0.2%, to $42.52 a barrel. Both benchmarks jumped 5% last week, as the oil market looks to gather pace on a recovery from the Coronavirus on the hopes that consumption increases will not outweigh supply increases from Libya to name but one source of increased supply. This rise has continued into the European open


Results from the Oxford vaccine have been released and were bitter sweet, with only a 70% efficacy rate but on the positive side it is more accessible for a greater number of the population, with the price much less than those of Pfizer and Moderna and storage conditions need not be as cold, suiting the less developed regions.


India’s prime minister has declared that the nation will be doubling its oil refining capacity in the next five years, accelerating its original plans and timeline for the country’s capacity, even though the Coronavirus has blighted the economy. Modi had said in June that the country was looking to double output of refining over a period of ten years, but this has now been slashed in half to only five years to reach 500 million tonnes of refining capacity, up from the current 250 million tonnes at present. (Reuters)


Over the weekend, following a similar suit to that of the Indian oil and gas sector, Abu Dhabi have approved the five-year spending plan for ADNOC to the tune of $122 billion that will contribute to the new Murban futures contracts launching in the new year. With many IOCs reining in spending on oil and gas investment, ADNOC are still pushing ahead with planned expenditure and are well in track to meet their target of 5 million barrels per day by 2030. (S&P Global Platts)


Former energy minister of Saudi Arabia believes that the state will continue to export oil for decades, even though there is a global shift towards green and renewable energies are taking place. (S&P Global Platts)



INDEX: (MTD Estimates)

* Sing 380: 268.22

* Rott 3.5%: 247.90

* Sing 0.5%: 331.75

* Rott 0.5%: 309.28


* Abu Dhabi Plans $122 Billion in Oil Spending to Boost Output
* UAE Tries to Lower Temperature in Dispute With OPEC+ Allies
* Oil Futures Curve Signals Strength for First Time in Months
* Americans on a Buying Spree Give Battered Diesel Market a Lift
* China Issues Third Batch of Oil Product Export Quotas: JLC
* Petronas Sets MCO Oil Adjustment Price at 80c/Bbl for Dec.
* Indonesia Explores Oil and Gas Stimulus, Tax Cuts to Lift Output

* BP Sells London HQ to Thomas Lau’s Firm for 250 Million Pounds
* New Mexico’s Proposed Methane Crackdown Not Enough, EDF Says
* Goldman Says Saudi Peg ‘Here to Stay,’ Though at Cost to Economy

* ASIA OIL PRODUCTS: Reliance’s Naphtha; Demand in Emerging Asia
* EUROPE OIL PRODUCTS: Gasoline Crack; Cepsa Huelva FCC; Russia
* U.S. OIL PRODUCTS: Containers Through L.A. Lifting Oil Markets

ECONOMIC DATA: (Times are London.)
* China second batch of October trade data, including oil products trade breakdown
* Congo January crude loading schedule expected; other West Africa loading programs for January may be released in following days


Singapore 380 INDIC

Dec20    280.50   /             282.50

Jan21     277.25   /              279.25

Feb21    275.75   /             277.75

Mar21   274.50   /             276.50

Apr21    273.25   /             275.25

May21  272.00   /             274.00

Q1-21    275.75   /             277.75

Q2-21    272.00   /             274.00

Q3-21    268.75   /             270.75

Q4-21    265.75   /             268.75

CAL21    266.50   /             272.50



Rotterdam 3.5% INDIC                                 

Dec20    261.75   /             263.75

Jan21     260.75   /             262.75

Feb21    259.75   /             261.75

Mar21   258.50   /             260.50

Apr21    257.25   /             259.25

May21  256.00   /             258.00

Q1-21    259.75   /             261.75

Q2-21    256.00   /             258.00

Q3-21    251.75   /             253.75

Q4-21    246.50   /             249.50

CAL21    250.50   /             256.50



Singapore VLSFO 0.5% INDIC                                     

Dec20    351.75   /              356.75

Jan21     349.50   /              354.50

Feb21    348.50   /              353.50

Mar21   347.75   /              352.75

Apr21    347.75   /              352.75

May21  347.75   /              352.75

Q1-21    348.50   /              353.50

Q2-21    347.75   /              352.75

Q3-21    348.50   /              354.50

Q4-21    350.00   /              356.00

CAL21    348.25   /              354.25



Rott VLSFO 0.5% INDIC                                 

Dec20    326.50   /              331.50

Jan21     326.50   /              331.50

Feb21    327.00   /              332.00

Mar21   327.50   /              332.50

Apr21    328.00   /              333.00

May21  328.50   /              333.50

Q1-21    327.00   /              332.00

Q2-21    328.50   /              333.50

Q3-21    329.50   /              335.50

Q4-21    331.25   /              337.25

CAL21    328.75   /              334.75



Sing 10ppm GO INDIC                                   

Dec20    49.82     /              49.96

Jan21     49.95     /              50.15

Feb21    50.23     /              50.43

Mar21   50.57     /              50.77

Apr21    50.91     /              51.11

May21  51.24     /              51.44

Q1-21    50.20     /              50.50

Q2-21    51.19     /              51.49

Q3-21    52.29     /              52.59

Q4-21    53.08     /              53.38

CAL21    51.64     /              52.04



ICE Gasoil 10ppm INDIC

Dec20    369.89   /              371.89

Jan21     373.73   /              375.73

Feb21    377.58   /              379.58

Mar21   380.20   /              382.20

Apr21    382.96   /              384.96

May21  385.57   /              387.57

Q1-21    377.15   /              379.15

Q2-21    385.59   /              387.59

Q3-21    392.98   /              394.98

Q4-21    397.95   /              399.95

CAL21    388.42   /              390.42

Iron ore had been looking vulnerable earlier in the week with the daily candles for the last 3 day’s closing higher but lacking any real momentum with the candles producing small bodies.   The technical aspect of the market looks like it could exhaust soon; however, rising steel prices, a small easing in the stockpiles and rising steel margins have kept the futures well supported. Bloomberg steel margins have finished the week at CNY 302, up 50 CNY in three days, suggesting the trend might not be over just yet. The technical says the trend is exhausting; but without a drop in the margins the mills will continue to draw ore and maintain a high output to satisfy evidential demand.

Capesize futures had been threatening an upside move in the early part of the week, with downside price action failing to follow through on more than one occasion. The physical has been showing signs of improvement, leaving the December to close out the week USD 1,400 off the low, at USD 13,500, + 0.9% from yesterday and up USD 125 on the week. There is indecision in the Capesize market at these levels, seasonality would point to a small rally which could be the only reason the market is seeing support. Miners have been taking ships, but the urgency is not there. If the daily futures close above the 55 period MA and hold above it then, we could have a situation where the market becomes self-fulfilling, as charters will then be obliged to cover contracts. Q1 futures closed + 1.5% at USD 8,225 and the Cal 21 + 0.2% at USD 12,975.

The Panamax market was up 4.7% last week and 7.7% this week. Sentiment remains good and the market is well supported, but the futures have finished the week flat. December closed -0.7% to USD 10,600, the Q1 21 +0.7% to USD 8,625 and the Cal 21 +1% at USD 9,975. Next week will be make or break for the Panamax, if we correct at these levels there is still a vulnerability to the market. However, if we keep pushing then this pullback could have enough legs to give it a 12k handle in the coming weeks.

Supramax futures were very quiet today, rates were slightly firmer, but the reality is there was very little changing hands outside of the Cal 21.  Dec closed the week at USD 10,275 +0.7% with the Q1 21 at USD 8,150 and the Cal 21 at USD 9,112; both up 0.3%.

The Brent futures continue to hang in there with price trading at USD 44.45 + 0.6% but still has not made that higher high that we were looking for earlier in the week. Headlines still aim towards the COVID vaccine, with futures up for a third week in a row, and they are but for the last 3 days oil has not really moved. Oil is not ready to go down, the technical has not been enough to push it up, so now we need some good news. If we get it, then we still think this could trade with a USD 48 handle. If we do not, then the 3 days of a rudderless market that we have witnessed might leave the futures starting to look like a sell.


Does Oil have a Thanksgiving rally?


It is a wrap


Data source FIS and Bloomberg


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