Ship Shape: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

As we enter the second half of October, with the darker evenings drawing in, minds will be focusing in on the end of the year and the start to another. It leaves us asking questions about where we are, what might happen and who that’s good or bad for. Or in the style of the …

Ferts In Focus 07/10/2020

RCF announces new purchasing tender Shortly after going to print last week, India’s RCF announced a new purchasing tender on Wednesday. The tender is for an unspecified amount of urea closing on the 9th of October for shipment by 15th November. From ICIS: There is ample availability for the RCF tender but final volumes would …

Ferts in Focus 30/9/2020

Indian tender announcement delayed A new Indian tender was widely expected to be announced last week but didn’t appear. The basis for the delay included a slowdown in domestic urea sales during August and September combined with the significant import volumes already scheduled, as well as funding issues within the Department of Fertilizers (source Profercy). …

India drives global urea markets

After a slight pause mid-week, following chaos then clarity around Chinese trade with India, urea markets resumed their rally into the end of last week. MMTC wrapped up their most recent tender on Friday, securing 700kmt of urea at prices $19 and $15 higher for the east and west coast respectively, than the previous purchasing …

ShipShape: A V-Shaped Recovery

We have noted for several weeks now that there are more and more examples of countries or sectors returning to work. GDP figures show China has returned to growth, with many other countries reversing the dramatic trend that befell their Q1 economic data. It is, so far, a V-shaped rebound that has mirrored much of …