Daily Capesize Review 3/3/22

Capesize freight rates slumped after recent rally, as some ships wanted to get covered before the weekend amid market volatility. The Capesize 5 time charter average, then dropped by $1,662 day-on-day to $13,598 on Thursday, despite support from the high bunker prices. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) also decreased by $33 day-on-day, or down 1.54% …

Daily Capesize Review 2/3/22

Capesize freight rates extended bullish run due to better weathers in both Australia and Brazil that facilitated in moving of iron ore cargoes. The Capesize 5 time charter average, then rose by $1,239 day-on-day to $15,258 on Wednesday, with support from the crude prices on voyage bids. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) also increased by …

Daily Capesize Review 1/3/22

Capesize freight rates improved, being driven by bunkers and the T/Cs amid market uncertainty over the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its impact on the market. The Capesize 5 time charter average, then rose by $605 day-on-day to $14,019 on Tuesday, after a cautiously bullish market. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) also increased by $29 day-on-day, or …