Morning Oil Report 13/11/20

Brent crude was down 51 cents, or 1.17%, at $43.01 a barrel as of 0751 GMT, after dropping 0.6% on Thursday.   EIA data released on Thursday showed a larger than expected build of crude stocks of +4,3 million barrels in the week ending 6th November. This lead oil prices to fall slightly into Friday, …

Capesize rates correct again on low shipping activities

Capesize freight rates dipped for slight correction as the physical market continued to soften on scant shipping activities. The Capesize 5 time charter average fell by RMB 525 day-on-day to $12,854 on Thursday, as freight rates came under pressure on bearish market sentiment. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) then dropped by 1.49% or 17 points …

Oil Through the Looking Glass 12.11.2020

*Oil Falls After IEA Cast Doubt on Quick Demand Recovery* The IEA have casted doubt over the recovery of oil demand amid surging infection across Europe and America, with the UK being the first country to reach the miles stone of 50,000 deaths. New York has ordered bars and restaurants to close early as cases …

FIS Fuel Oil Morning Report 12/11/2020

Brent crude futures rose 18 cents, or 0.37%, to $43.97 a barrel at 0726GMT after the bullish sentiment that has been floating around most markets over the past week due to the news of a vaccine that has been tested to be 90% effective.   News from the Algerian Energy minister says that OPEC+ current …

Capesize rates slip into red from selloff

Capesize freight rates plunged after a selloff as market sentiment turned bearish with few fixtures done at lower rates. Thus, the Capesize 5 time charter average fell by RMB 1,402 day-on-day to $13,379 on Wednesday, as the 5TC index lost around 10% at one point before much stabilization later. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) then …

European Close

Upside price action is slowing down on the offshore futures in iron ore. The daily candlesticks are decreasing in size warning that momentum is slowing based on price . However, the trend remains bullish with the evening session trading up to USD 121.15. Steel production remains strong whilst exports are down 6 million tonnes on …


Join this week’s Election Special on Castaway as the team discuss the implications of a Biden Presidency, a Vaccine, and more on our commodity markets.     Website   Spotify   And Itunes     Disclaimer: This podcast is a marketing communication and is not based upon detailed analysis by Freight Investor (FIS) …

Tanker News Update 11/11/2020

A slow start to Monday (09/11) morning was pleasantly interrupted in the early afternoon with Pfizer’s announcement of a 90% efficacy Covid-19 vaccine. This small light at the end of the tunnel sent markets roaring with Oil prices making the first significant up move in a hot minute… This announcement brought some much-needed optimism, that …