Capesize rates take a breather from recent gains

Capesize freight rates suffered a dip as the bullish momentum flatten out with fewer fixtures being done at higher rates. The Capesize 5 time charter average dipped by RMB 67 day-on-day to $14,781 on Tuesday, as the market lost steam with concerns on the muted Atlantic basin. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) then moved down …

European Close

The Dalian Iron ore had given up its late gains overnight and closed unchanged on the day this morning.  The Doji star had indicated indecision in the market and warned we could potentially see some form of market pullback in the evening session. Price has held resulting in the offshore contract moving 1 dollar higher …

Oil Through the Looking Glass 10/11/20

*Vitol CEO Sees Oil Prices Heading Towards $50 A Barrel* Russell Hardy, CEO of Vitol has announced this morning that he believes oil prices will hover around the $50 per barrel mark into the new year and over the next few months as inventories start to report draws which he sees accelerating into 2021. (Reuters) …

Capesize rates rise on global market optimism

Capesize freight rates continued to rise due to market optimism over Covid-19 vaccines that improve shipping and oil demand. The Capesize 5 time charter average hiked up by RMB 427 day-on-day to $14,848 on Monday, as market sentiment improved. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) also moved up by 0.92% or 11 points to 1,207 readings, …

Oil Through the Looking Glass 09.11.20

*Oil Market Eyes Iran’s Return with Biden Win* The president-elect has vowed to lift sanctions against Tehran and re-join the JCPOA nuclear deal, on the condition that Iran complies with all restrictions on the program. Sanctions imposed by Trump cut more than 2 million barrels per day of Iranian oil exports, which would make the …