Secret Iranian Oil

China and Iran recently signed a 25-year trade deal not surprising given that one is a major OPEC producer and the other one of the world’s largest importers of crude.   The deal is worth $400billion, including oil quotas and gives China ‘first dibs’ on Iran’s exports. This would produce a large trade flow from …

Capesize rates make solid gains on bullish market

It was another bullish day for the Capesize market, with the physical market making solid gains to push up the freight rates. The Capesize 5 time charter average then rose by $1,636 day-on-day to $20,687 on Tuesday, with talk of C5 heading to $9.00 and the C3 rumoured to surge toward the $18.90. Following the …

Capesize rates rally over congestion in the Pacific

Capesize rates started the week on bullish note as bad weather, crew replacement and stricter quarantine measures affected the tonnage supply. The Capesize 5 time charter average hiked up by $755 day-on-day to $19,051 on Monday, as market participants expected freight rates recovery over short term. Due to the improvement in Capesize, the Baltic Dry …

Oil Through the Looking Glass 4/8/20

*China Only Fulfilled 5% of Promised US Energy Purchases Under the terms of the China-US trade deal agreed last year China agreed to purchase some $25.3 billion worth of American oil products. Halfway through 2020 and they have only completed 5% of that target as the relationship between the two countries sours. China imported only …

Oil Through the Looking Glass 3/8/20

*Asian Fuel Oil Market News It is expected that the strong sentiment in the physical is to continue for VLSFO with lower arbitrage cargoes coming into Singapore. Imports for August are estimated to be 1.5 – 2 million tonnes, down from 2 – 2.5 million tonnes in July. This is also being driven by lower …