FIS Morning Report Tanker FFA 09-09-21

News Headlines:

OIL DAYBOOK EUROPE: Top Guzzlers Surpass Pre-Pandemic Demand (Bloomberg)

Some of the world’s biggest economies are seeing oil consumption turn the corner and even surpass pre- pandemic levels as falling Covid-19 infection rates drive a recovery in activity.

* OIL FUTURES: Oil Holds Gain With Hurricane Impact on Supply Still Lingering.



Libya Protests Threaten Oil Exports as Tanker Loading Halted (Bloomberg)

A fresh wave of protests at key Libyan oilfields and ports threatens to derail months of stability in the OPEC member’s production and exports Demonstrators have interrupted the loading of an oil tanker

and taken over the control room at the country’s biggest crude port, Es Sider.

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FIS Tankers Daily Report 2021-09-09



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